Athlete Records

The Carolina WSO maintains the WSO Records, which may be set by any resident of North or South Carolina.
WSO Records can be set at International, National, WSO and Local Events.
Records being set at Local Events must verify the presence of two National Technical Officials who witnessed the records. In the event that National T.O.s are not available, an athlete can submit video evidence of the record to the WSO Committee for review. 
WSO Record Prizes have been approved for disbursement to athletes who break records per the following pay scale:

  • $60 per Senior Record

  • $40 per Junior Record

  • $20 per Youth or Masters Record

Payouts are made per Snatch, C&J, and Total record broken. An athlete who breaks a record multiple times in one performance will only be paid one award for that record.

You can find the current WSO Records Document at the link below.
Carolina WSO Records

New WSO Records must be self-reported by the athlete via this form after the event for review:

Official Submission of New Record