Local Variance
Local variances to regulations shall be permitted from WSOs, by submission to the USA Weightlifting Board of Directors, otherwise these bylaws and the provisions there within take precedence. Any such variance shall be published to all members of the WSO.
There will be no meets approved for the week proceeding and following the WSO Championships.
For all other events, there must to at least 50 miles or one week between events. (ie: 2 meets could not be held within the same weekend unless they are 50+ miles apart.)
This local variance passed unopposed.
1. An Annual Calendar of meetings should be proposed at the beginning of the year and scheduled. The committee should avoid scheduling meetings during National and International competition events where possible so as to limit the most likely conflicts for committee members.
2. Meetings can be rescheduled as needed. A proposal for rescheduling can be conducted at the conclusion of a meeting. A meeting can be rescheduled via email movement so long as the movement is seconded and unopposed by committee members.
3. Committee Members are required to attend 75% of scheduled meetings. Attendance will be reviewed annually to ensure all committee members are in compliance with this standard. Failure to meet this standard automatically triggers a vote by the Committee for the member’s removal.
4. Committee Members are further required to attend 75% of WSO Championships during their term. In the event a committee member cannot attend the event, they must communicate this no later than 30 Days in advance and seek out other opportunities to contribute to the Championships execution. Failure to meet this standard automatically triggers a vote by the Committee for the member’s removal.
This local variance passed unopposed.
1. Each Committee Member is required to chair a minimum of 1 meeting per year. The Chair will serve as executor of the agenda, moderator, recognize motions, and when necessary call the results of votes.
2. Seven days prior to a scheduled meeting, committee members may email the upcoming Meeting Chair their Agenda proposals for consideration in the upcoming meeting. All members must be copied on this email.
3. This will allow the Chair ample time to compile proposals into a meeting agenda. The agenda will be dispersed to the full committee prior to the meeting where it will then be up for discussion.
4. Roll Calls will be performed and recorded at the start of the meetings. Each committee member must attend with cameras on and make a verbal affirmation of their attendance in order to be counted as “present” in the record.
5. A movement can be made to add an agenda item if the scheduled agenda items have already been completed. A member must propose the movement and require a second with none opposed.
6. A resolution can be proposed for a vote. Movement for a vote must be seconded for a vote to occur. The resolution should be defined in text or detailed in a supplemental document for clear review by committee members
7. A simple majority will serve as the necessary minimum to pass a resolution
This variance was approved 6-1.
1. Discussion of proposals, resolutions, or all other business-focused conversations should be performed during meetings where vigorous discussion can best take place and the pitfalls of written communication can be avoided.
a. Email chains and WhatsApp can be utilized for the sake of expediency when logistical difficulties arise.
2. Any votes on resolutions requiring expediency greater than the scheduled meeting interval will be performed using ElectionBuddy, with ballots being distributed to all committee members. A full results audit will be published as a record alongside video meeting notes recordings.
This local variance passed unopposed.